ADA Programming Guide
ADA Programming Guide.iso
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1,827 lines
* Copyright (C) 1985-1992 New York University
* This file is part of the Ada/Ed-C system. See the Ada/Ed README file for
* warranty (none) and distribution info and also the GNU General Public
* License for more details.
#include "3.h"
#include "attr.h"
#include "arithp.h"
#include "miscp.h"
#include "smiscp.h"
#include "dclmapp.h"
#include "nodesp.h"
#include "errmsgp.h"
#include "evalp.h"
#include "setp.h"
#include "chapp.h"
static void const_redecl(Node, Node, Node);
static Symbol set_type_mark(Tuple, Node);
static void build_type(Symbol, Node, Node);
static void derived_type(Symbol, Node);
static void build_derived_type(Symbol, Symbol, Node);
static int in_unconstrained_natures(int);
static int is_derived_type(Symbol);
static void derive_subprograms(Symbol, Symbol);
static void derive1_subprogram(Symbol, Symbol, Symbol, Symbol);
static int hidden_derived(Symbol, Symbol);
static Symbol find_neq(Symbol);
static void new_enum_type(Symbol, Node);
static void new_integer_type(Symbol, Node);
static void new_floating_type(Symbol, Node);
static void new_fixed_type(Symbol, Node);
static Node real_bound(Node, Symbol);
static Symbol constrain_scalar(Symbol, Node);
void obj_decl(Node node) /*;obj_decl*/
/* Process variable declaration. Verify that the type is a constrained one,
* or that default values exist for the discriminants of the type.
Node id_list_node, type_indic_node, init_node, id_node, node1;
Symbol type_mark, t_m, n;
int i;
Tuple nam_list, id_nodes;
Fortup ft1;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : obj_decl");
id_list_node = N_AST1(node);
type_indic_node = N_AST2(node);
init_node = N_AST3(node);
id_nodes = N_LIST(id_list_node);
nam_list = tup_new(tup_size(id_nodes));
FORTUPI(id_node =(Node) , id_nodes, i, ft1);
nam_list[i] = (char *) find_new(N_VAL(id_node));
type_mark = set_type_mark(nam_list, type_indic_node);
current_node = type_indic_node;
/* If an initialization is provided, verify it has the specified type. */
if (init_node != OPT_NODE)
t_m = check_init(type_indic_node, init_node);
if (is_unconstrained(type_mark)) {
errmsg_nat("Unconstrained % in object declaration", type_mark,
"3.6.1, 3.7.2", type_indic_node);
/*(forall n in nam_list) nature(n) := na_obj; end forall;*/
FORTUP(n=(Symbol), nam_list, ft1);
NATURE(n) = na_obj;
for (i = 1; i <= tup_size(id_nodes); i++) {
node1 = (Node) id_nodes[i];
N_UNQ(node1) = (Symbol) nam_list[i];
void const_decl(Node node) /*;const_decl*/
/* Process constant declarations. This may be a new declaration, or the
* full declaration of a deferred constant in the private part of a
* package. In this later case, recover the names of the constants, and
* update their definitions.
Node id_list_node, type_indic_node, init_node, id_node;
Tuple id_nodes, id_list, nam_list;
Symbol type_mark, t_m, n;
char *id;
int i, exists;
Fortup ft1;
Symbol s;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : const_decl");
id_list_node = N_AST1(node);
type_indic_node = N_AST2(node);
init_node = N_AST3(node);
id_nodes = N_LIST(id_list_node);
id_list = tup_new(tup_size(id_nodes));
FORTUPI(id_node =(Node), id_nodes, i, ft1);
id_list[i] = N_VAL(id_node);
if (NATURE(scope_name) == na_private_part) {
exists = FALSE;
FORTUP(id=, id_list, ft1);
if (dcl_get(DECLARED(scope_name), id) != (Symbol)0) {
exists = TRUE;
if (exists ){
/* It must be a deferred constant. */
const_redecl(id_list_node, type_indic_node, init_node);
/* Otherwise it is a fully private constant. */
nam_list = tup_new(tup_size(id_list));
FORTUPI(id =, id_list, i, ft1);
nam_list[i] = (char *) find_new(id);
type_mark = set_type_mark(nam_list, type_indic_node);
if (init_node == OPT_NODE) {
/* Deferred constant.*/
s = TYPE_OF(base_type(type_mark));
if (s != symbol_private && s != symbol_limited_private) {
errmsg("Missing initialization in constant declaration", "3.2",
else if (SCOPE_OF(type_mark) != scope_name) {
errmsg("Wrong scope for type of deferred constant", "7.4",
else if ( (NATURE(scope_name) != na_package_spec)
&& (NATURE(scope_name) != na_generic_package_spec) ) {
errmsg("Invalid context for deferred constant", "3.2, 7.4", node);
else if (is_generic_type(type_mark)
|| is_generic_type(base_type(type_mark))) {
errmsg("constants of a generic type cannot be deferred", "12.1.2",
else if (is_anonymous(type_mark)) {
errmsg("a deferred constant must be defined with a type mark",
"7.4.3", node);
else {
t_m = check_init(type_indic_node, init_node);
if (t_m != type_mark) {
/* t_m is an anonymous type created from the bounds of init value*/
FORTUP(n = (Symbol), nam_list, ft1);
TYPE_OF(n) = t_m;
FORTUP(n =(Symbol), nam_list, ft1);
NATURE(n) = na_constant;
SIGNATURE(n) = (Tuple) init_node;
for (i = 1; i <= tup_size(id_nodes); i++) {
Node tmp = (Node) id_nodes[i];
N_UNQ(tmp) = (Symbol) nam_list[i];
static void const_redecl(Node id_list_node, Node type_indic_node,
Node init_node) /*;const_redecl*/
/* Process the full declaration of deferred constants. at least one id
* in id_list is know to have been declared in the visible part of the
* current scope.
Symbol u_n, t_m, type_mark;
Symbol ut;
Node id_node, tmp;
Tuple id_nodes, nam_list, id_list;
char *id;
int i;
Fortup ft1;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : const_redecl");
id_nodes = N_LIST(id_list_node);
id_list = tup_new(tup_size(id_nodes));
FORTUPI(id_node =(Node), id_nodes, i, ft1);
id_list[i] = N_VAL(id_node);
nam_list = tup_new(0);
/* The type indication must be a subtype indication .*/
if (N_KIND(type_indic_node) == as_subtype_indic) {
type_mark = promote_subtype(make_subtype(type_indic_node));
/* An anonymous array is syntactically possible, but incorrect. */
type_mark = anonymous_array(type_indic_node);
N_UNQ(type_indic_node) = type_mark;
FORTUP(id =, id_list, ft1);
u_n = dcl_get(DECLARED(scope_name), id);
if (u_n == (Symbol)0) {
errmsg_str("% is not a deferred constant", id, "3.2, 7.4",
nam_list = tup_with(nam_list, (char *)symbol_any);
else if((NATURE(u_n) != na_constant)
|| ((Node) SIGNATURE(u_n) != OPT_NODE)) {
errmsg_str("Invalid redeclaration of %", id, "8.3", id_list_node);
nam_list = tup_with(nam_list, (char *)symbol_any);
else if ( ((ut = TYPE_OF(u_n)) != type_mark)
/* They may still be the same subtype of some private type.*/
&& (TYPE_OF(ut) != TYPE_OF(type_mark))
|| (SIGNATURE(ut) != SIGNATURE(type_mark)))
errmsg_str("incorrect type in redeclaration of %", id,
"7.4, 7.4.1", id_list_node);
nam_list = tup_with(nam_list, (char *)symbol_any);
else if (init_node == OPT_NODE) { /* No initiali(zation ? */
errmsg_str("Missing initialization in redeclaration of %", id,
"7.4", id_list_node);
nam_list = tup_with(nam_list, (char *)symbol_any);
else {
nam_list = tup_with(nam_list, (char *) u_n);
for (i = 1; i <= tup_size(id_nodes); i++) {
tmp = (Node) id_nodes[i];
N_UNQ(tmp ) = (Symbol) nam_list[i];
if (init_node != OPT_NODE ) {
t_m = check_init(type_indic_node, init_node);
FORTUP(u_n=(Symbol), nam_list, ft1);
SIGNATURE(u_n) = (Tuple) init_node;
static Symbol set_type_mark(Tuple nam_list, Node type_indic_node)
/* Set the symbol table entry for object or constant declarations.
* The type indication is a subtype indication or an array definition. In
* the later case, an anonymous array type must be created for each item
* in the name list. For the interpreter, any of these types will do.
Symbol type_mark, n;
Fortup ft1;
if (N_KIND(type_indic_node) == as_subtype_indic) {
type_mark = promote_subtype(make_subtype(type_indic_node));
FORTUP(n=(Symbol), nam_list, ft1);
TYPE_OF(n) = type_mark;
else {
n = (Symbol) nam_list[1];
type_mark = anonymous_array(type_indic_node);
TYPE_OF(n) = type_mark;
N_UNQ(type_indic_node) = type_mark;
return type_mark;
Symbol check_init(Node type_indic_node, Node init_node) /*;check_init*/
/* Validate the initialization of an object or constant declaration.
* Return the resolved expression, and the type (or a subtype of it
* in the case of constants of unconstrained type).
Symbol type_mark;
Tuple init_array;
Fortup ft1;
int lo_val, hi_val;
Tuple new_indices, tup;
Symbol index, new_index, new_array;
Node lo, hi;
type_mark = N_UNQ(type_indic_node);
if (is_limited_type(type_mark)) {
errmsg("Initialization not available for entities of limited type",
"7.4.4", type_indic_node);
check_type(type_mark, init_node);
if (NATURE(type_mark) == na_array && type_mark == symbol_string
&& (N_KIND(init_node) == as_string_ivalue )) {
/* Constant definition with unconstrained type: bounds are given by
* an aggregate : Create an anonymous subtype using bounds of
* aggregate. Currently supported for strings only.
init_array = (Tuple) N_VAL(init_node);
new_indices = tup_new(0);
/* Unpack aggregate to obtain actual bounds on each dimension,
* and create constrained index for each.
FORTUP(index=(Symbol), (Tuple)index_types(type_mark), ft1);
if (N_KIND(init_node) == as_string_ivalue
&& base_type(type_mark) == symbol_string) {
lo_val = 1;
hi_val = tup_size( init_array);
tup = init_array;
/* TBSL */
new_index = anonymous_type(); /* Its new subtype. */
lo = new_ivalue_node(int_const(lo_val), symbol_integer);
hi = new_ivalue_node(int_const(hi_val), symbol_integer);
NATURE(new_index) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(new_index) = index;
Tuple t;
t = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_RANGE);
numeric_constraint_low(t) = (char *) lo;
numeric_constraint_high(t) = (char *) hi;
SIGNATURE(new_index) = (Tuple) t;
root_type(new_index) = root_type(index);
new_indices = tup_with(new_indices, (char *) new_index);
new_array = anonymous_type();
NATURE(new_array) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(new_array) = type_mark;
Tuple t;
t = tup_new(2);
t[1] = (char *) new_indices;
t[2] = (char *) component_type(type_mark);
SIGNATURE(new_array) = t;
root_type(new_array) = root_type(type_mark);
misc_type_attributes(new_array) = misc_type_attributes(type_mark);
type_mark = new_array;
N_TYPE(init_node) = type_mark;
N_UNQ(type_indic_node) = type_mark;
return type_mark;
int is_deferred_constant(Node con_node) /*;is_deferred_constant*/
(N_KIND(con_node) == as_simple_name)
&& (NATURE(N_UNQ(con_node)) == na_constant)
&& ((Node) SIGNATURE(N_UNQ(con_node)) == OPT_NODE);
void number_decl(Node node) /*;number_decl*/
/* A number declaration differs from a constant declaration in that
* the type of the declared object is a universal numeric type, obtained
* from the value of the literal expression supplied for it.
* No intermediate code is generated for these: they act as macros,
* and are always represented by their value.
Node id_list_node, expn, id_node;
Symbol number_type, n;
Tuple nam_list;
Fortup ft1;
int i;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : number_decl");
id_list_node = N_AST1(node);
expn = N_AST2(node);
nam_list = tup_new(tup_size(N_LIST(id_list_node)));
FORTUPI(id_node =(Node), N_LIST(id_list_node), i, ft1);
nam_list[i] = (char *)find_new(N_VAL(id_node));
check_type_u( expn);
number_type = N_TYPE(expn);
if (! is_static_expr(expn)) {
errmsg("Expect literal expression in number declaration", "3.2", expn);
number_type = symbol_any;
FORTUP(n=(Symbol), nam_list, ft1);
/*??SYMBTAB(n) = [na_constant, number_type, expn];*/
NATURE(n) = na_constant;
TYPE_OF(n) = number_type;
SIGNATURE(n) = (Tuple) expn;
void type_decl(Node node) /*;type_decl*/
/* Process a type declaration. Create new name for type, or find unique
* name already given for incomplete declaration.
Node id_node, opt_disc, type_def;
Symbol type_name, kind, d_type;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : type_decl");
id_node = N_AST1(node);
opt_disc = N_AST2(node);
type_def = N_AST3(node);
type_name = find_type_name(id_node);
if (type_name == symbol_any) return; /* Invalid redeclaration, etc. */
root_type(type_name) = type_name; /* initial value */
if (opt_disc != OPT_NODE) {
if ( in_incp_types(TYPE_OF(type_name)))
/* Full declaration of incomplete or private type. Verify that
* discriminant declarations are conforming .
discr_redecl(type_name, opt_disc);
else if (N_KIND(type_def) == as_derived_type)
NATURE(type_name) = na_record;
else if (in_incp_types(TYPE_OF(type_name)) && has_discriminants(type_name)){
errmsg("missing discriminants in full type declaration", "3.8", node);
kind = TYPE_OF(type_name);
build_type(type_name, opt_disc, type_def);
if (opt_disc != OPT_NODE && !is_record(type_name)) {
errmsg("Invalid use of discriminants", "3.7.1", opt_disc);
if ((N_KIND(type_def) == as_int_type || N_KIND(type_def) == as_float_type
|| N_KIND(type_def) == as_fixed_type)
||( N_KIND(type_def) == as_derived_type
&& NATURE(type_name) == na_subtype)) {
/* these declarations generate an anonyous parent type. The named
* type is actually a subtype.
N_KIND(node) = as_subtype_decl;
/* preserve subtype info in n_ast3 by moving to n_ast2
* Since none of these types have a discriminant
* no information is lost.
N_AST2(node) = N_AST3(node);
N_AST3(node) = (Node)0; /* subtype_decl has no n_ast3 */
current_node = id_node;
/* recall that priv_types is {limited, limited_private} */
/* check_priv_decl first argument is one of MISC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE ...*/
if (kind == symbol_private)
check_priv_decl(TA_PRIVATE, type_name);
else if (kind == symbol_limited_private)
check_priv_decl(TA_LIMITED_PRIVATE, type_name);
else if (kind == symbol_incomplete && S_UNIT(type_name) != unit_number_now){
/* case of an incomplete type in the private part of a package, whose
* complete definition is given in the package body. Create a dummy
* symbol to which the complete definition is attached. The expander
* retrieves it and updates the symbol table of type_name accordingly.
d_type = sym_new(NATURE(type_name));
N_TYPE(node) = d_type;
TYPE_OF(d_type) = TYPE_OF(type_name);
SIGNATURE(d_type) = SIGNATURE(type_name);
OVERLOADS(d_type) = OVERLOADS(type_name);
SCOPE_OF(d_type) = scope_name;
root_type(d_type) = root_type(type_name);
dcl_put(DECLARED(scope_name), newat_str(), d_type);
check_delayed_type(node, type_name); /* if it has a private ancestor. */
Symbol find_type_name(Node id_node) /*;find_type_name*/
/* Create a unique name for a type definition, or find the unique name
* already created, in the case of the full declaration of an incomplete
* or private type.
char *id;
Symbol incomplete, type_name, a_t;
Forset fs1;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : find_type_name");
id = N_VAL(id_node);
/* Find incomplete declaration, if some was given. */
incomplete = dcl_get(DECLARED(scope_name), id);
if (incomplete == (Symbol)0) /* New type declaration. */
type_name = find_new(id);
else { /* Previous declaration exists.*/
if (id != (char *)0 && streq(id, "any_id")) {
/* any_id identifier was inserted (by parser) */
N_UNQ(id_node) = symbol_any;
return symbol_any;
type_name = incomplete;
if (!in_incp_types(TYPE_OF(incomplete))) {
errmsg_str("Invalid redeclaration of %", id, "8.3", id_node);
type_name = symbol_any;
if (TYPE_OF(incomplete) == symbol_incomplete) {
if(private_dependents(incomplete)) {
FORSET(a_t = (Symbol), private_dependents(incomplete), fs1)
if (is_access(a_t) && SCOPE_OF(a_t) == scope_name)
/* access type is now dereferenceable.*/
= (int) misc_type_attributes(a_t) & ~TA_INCOMPLETE;
else {
/* Full declaration for private type. Save visible declaration in
* private decls for this package, so that full declaration can
* be installed.
private_decls_put((Private_declarations) private_decls(scope_name),
if (is_generic_type(incomplete)) {
errmsg_l_str("Generic private type % cannot have declaration ",
"in private part", id, "12.1", id_node);
type_name = symbol_any;
N_UNQ(id_node) = type_name;
return type_name;
static void build_type(Symbol type_name, Node opt_disc, Node type_def)
/* For scalar types, both generic and non-generic, this procedure simply
* constructs the symbol table entry on the basis of the type definition.
* Enumeration types, array types and derived types require further
* processing. They generate additional symbol table entries for literals
* and anonymous types.
Symbol parent, desig_type;
int l;
Node type_indic_node;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : build_type");
switch (N_KIND(type_def)) {
case as_enum:
new_enum_type(type_name, type_def);
case as_int_type:
new_integer_type(type_name, type_def);
case as_float_type:
new_floating_type(type_name, type_def);
case as_fixed_type:
new_fixed_type(type_name, type_def);
case as_array_type:
new_array_type(type_name, type_def);
case as_record:
record_decl(type_name, opt_disc, type_def);
case as_derived_type:
derived_type(type_name, type_def);
case as_access_type:
type_indic_node = N_AST1(type_def);
desig_type = N_UNQ(type_indic_node);
if (type_name == desig_type)
errmsg_id("Invalid use of type % before its full declaration",
type_name, "3.8.1", type_indic_node);
/*??SYMBTAB(type_name) :=[na_access, type_name, desig_type];*/
NATURE(type_name) = na_access;
TYPE_OF(type_name) = type_name;
SIGNATURE(type_name) = (Tuple) desig_type;
/* The new type inherits the root type and other attributes of its parent */
parent = TYPE_OF(type_name);
/*root_type(type_name) = root_type(parent) ? parent;*/
if (root_type(parent) != (Symbol)0)
root_type(type_name) = root_type(parent);
else root_type(type_name) = parent;
misc_type_attributes(type_name) = misc_type_attributes(parent);
l = private_kind(parent);
if (l != 0) {
if (misc_type_attributes(type_name) == 0)
misc_type_attributes(type_name) = l;
misc_type_attributes(type_name) =
(int) misc_type_attributes(type_name) | l;
void check_delayed_type(Node node, Symbol type_mark) /*;check_delayed_type*/
/* called for type and subtype declarations. If the type has a sub-
* component of a private type, elaboration of the type must be delayed
* until the private ancestor has been elaborated.
Symbol pr;
Node id_node, decl_node, ancestor_node;
int exists;
pr = private_ancestor(type_mark);
exists = FALSE;
if (pr != (Symbol)0) exists = TRUE;
else {
if (NATURE(type_mark) == na_subtype) {
pr = TYPE_OF(type_mark);
if (TYPE_OF(pr) == symbol_incomplete)
exists = TRUE;
if (exists) {
id_node = N_AST1(node);
decl_node = copy_node(node);
N_KIND(node) = as_delayed_type;
ancestor_node = new_name_node(pr);
N_AST1(node) = id_node;
N_AST2(node) = ancestor_node;
N_AST3(node) = decl_node;
void subtype_decl(Node node) /*;subtype_decl*/
/* Process a subtype declaration. id is the source id of the new
* entity, and subt is the subtype indication. If the subtype indication
* does not include a constraint, subt is either an anonymous array, or a
* subtype indication that fucntions as a renaming of a type. In that
* case the new id denotes the same entity, and does not needs a new
* symbol table entry, except that for conformance purposes it is not
* equivalent to the original type. For now we only introduce a new sub-
* type in the case of scalar types.
Node id_node, type_indic_node, constraint;
char *id;
Symbol name, subt, parent;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : subtype_decl");
id_node = N_AST1(node);
type_indic_node = N_AST2(node);
constraint = N_AST2(type_indic_node);
id = N_VAL(id_node);
subt = make_subtype(type_indic_node);
/* The subtype may be an array type which has already been
* promoted to anonymous type. It may also be a type_mark without
* a constraint, i.e. a type name.In this case the new subtype is
* simply a renaming of the type, and we set its unique name
* to be that type_mark.
/* If the constraint is empty the subtype is simply a renaming. */
if (constraint == OPT_NODE && (!is_scalar_type(subt)
|| is_generic_type(subt))) {
N_UNQ(id_node) = subt;
dcl_put(DECLARED(scope_name), id, subt);
else {
current_node = id_node;
name = find_new(id);
N_UNQ(id_node) = name;
SYMBTABcopy(name, subt);
if (NATURE(subt) == na_enum) {
/* Do not recopy literal map */
OVERLOADS(name) = (Set)0;
NATURE(name) = na_subtype;
parent = TYPE_OF(name);
root_type(name) = root_type(parent);
misc_type_attributes(name) = misc_type_attributes(parent);
check_delayed_type(node, name);
if (is_generic_type(base_type(parent))) {
#ifdef TBSL
repr_stmt := ["delayed_repr", {name}];
else if (already_forced(base_type(parent))) {
else {
not_chosen_put(base_type(parent), name);
/* Discard the generated anonymous subtype.
* subt frome NEWTYPES;
* NEWTYPES with:= [];
Symbol make_subtype(Node type_indic_node) /*;make_subtype*/
Node name_node, constraint, selector;
int nat;
Symbol subtype, type_mark, d_type, d_sub;
Tuple sigtup;
char *type_id;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : make_subtype");
/* Process a subtype indication.*/
name_node = N_AST1(type_indic_node);
constraint = N_AST2(type_indic_node);
type_mark = find_type(name_node);
if (type_mark== symbol_any) return symbol_any;
/* Retrieve source identifier of type, for test below.*/
if (N_KIND(name_node) == as_simple_name)
type_id = N_VAL(name_node);
else { /* extended name */
selector = N_AST2(name_node);
type_id = N_VAL(selector);
if (in_open_scopes(base_type(type_mark)) && (! is_task_type(type_mark)
|| strcmp(original_name(type_mark), type_id) == 0) ) {
/* Component of record is subtype of record type itself, or task type
* is used within its body.
errmsg_str("invalid use of type % within its definition or body",
type_id, "3.3, 9.1", name_node);
return type_mark;
else if (constraint == OPT_NODE) {
current_node = name_node;
return type_mark;
else {
/* If the type is a access type, the constraint applies to the type
* being accessed. We create the corresponding subtype of it, promote
* it to an anonymous type, and return an access to it.
nat = NATURE(type_mark);
if (is_access(type_mark)) {
d_type = (Symbol) designated_type(type_mark);
if (NATURE(d_type) == na_array) {
d_sub = constrain_array(d_type, constraint);
root_type(d_sub) = root_type(d_type);
subtype = named_type(strjoin("&", newat_str()));
/*Create a name for it*/
NATURE(subtype) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(subtype) = type_mark;
sigtup = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_ACCESS);
sigtup[2] = (char *) d_sub;
SIGNATURE(subtype) = sigtup;
else if (is_record(d_type) && NATURE(d_type) != na_subtype) {
d_sub = constrain_record(d_type, constraint);
root_type(d_sub) = root_type(d_type);
subtype = named_type(strjoin("&", newat_str()));
/*Create a name for it*/
NATURE(subtype) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(subtype) = type_mark;
sigtup = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_ACCESS);
sigtup[2] = (char *) d_sub;
SIGNATURE(subtype) = sigtup;
else {
errmsg("Invalid constraint on access type", "3.8", constraint);
subtype = symbol_any;
else if (nat == na_type) {
if (is_scalar_type(type_mark))
subtype = constrain_scalar(type_mark, constraint);
else /* Private type with discriminants, hopefully.*/
subtype = constrain_record(type_mark, constraint);
else if (nat == na_enum)
subtype = constrain_scalar(type_mark, constraint);
else if (nat == na_array)
subtype=constrain_array(type_mark, constraint);
else if (nat == na_record)
subtype = constrain_record(type_mark, constraint);
else if (nat == na_subtype) {
if (is_array(type_mark) || is_record(type_mark)) {
"Invalid subtype indication: type is already constrained",
"3.6.1, 3.7.2", type_indic_node);
subtype = symbol_any;
subtype = constrain_scalar(type_mark, constraint);
else {
errmsg_id("Invalid type mark in subtype indication: %",
type_mark, "3.3, 3.6.1", name_node);
subtype = symbol_any;
if (subtype != symbol_any)
root_type(subtype) = root_type(type_mark);
N_AST2(type_indic_node) = OPT_NODE;
return subtype;
static void derived_type(Symbol derived_subtype,Node def_node) /*;derived_type*/
Node type_indic_node, constraint_node;
Symbol subtype;
Symbol parent_subtype, derived_type, parent_type;
int nat;
Tuple constraint;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("derived type: ");
type_indic_node = N_AST1(def_node);
subtype = make_subtype(type_indic_node);
constraint_node = N_AST2(type_indic_node);
if (constraint_node == OPT_NODE) {
parent_subtype = subtype;
constraint = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(parent_subtype);
/* Inherited by new type*/
else {
/* we use parent_subtype to designate the type mark in the subtype
* indication. The code below makes sure that the constraint of the
* parent subtype is also inherited by the derived subtype.
parent_subtype = TYPE_OF(subtype); /*Subtype indication.*/
constraint = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(subtype); /* Subtype indication.*/
if (parent_subtype == subtype && (in_unconstrained_natures(NATURE(subtype))
/* || (is_generic_type(subtype)) ||is_access(subtype) */
||in_priv_types(TYPE_OF(root_type(subtype))) )) {
derived_type = derived_subtype;
else {
/* If the derived type definition includes a constraint, or if the
* old type is constrained, we first derive an anonymous type, and
* then construct a subtype of it.
derived_type = named_type(strjoin(original_name(derived_subtype),
Tuple tmp = (Tuple) newtypes[tup_size(newtypes)];
newtypes[tup_size(newtypes)] =
(char *)tup_with(tmp, (char *) derived_type);
NATURE(derived_subtype) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(derived_subtype) = derived_type;
SIGNATURE(derived_subtype) = (Tuple) constraint;
not_chosen_put(derived_type, derived_subtype);
root_type(derived_type) = derived_type; /* initially */
parent_type = base_type(parent_subtype);
nat = NATURE(SCOPE_OF(parent_type));
/* A derived type defined in a prackage specification cannot be used for
* further derivation until the end of its visible part.
if (is_derived_type(parent_type) && (in_open_scopes(parent_type)
&& (nat == na_package_spec || nat == na_generic_package_spec))
|| TYPE_OF(parent_type) == symbol_incomplete
|| private_ancestor(parent_type) != (Symbol)0 ) {
errmsg_id("premature derivation of derived or private type %",
parent_type, "3.4, 7.4.1", type_indic_node);
build_derived_type(parent_subtype, derived_type , type_indic_node);
static void build_derived_type(Symbol parent_subtype, Symbol derived_type,
Node node) /*;build_derived_type */
/* build symbol table entry for derived type, after processing constraint.
* called from previous procedure, and from update_one_entry, to handle
* types derived from generic formal types.
Symbol parent_type, parent_scope;
Symbol comp;
int exists, nat1, i, l;
Forset fs;
Symbol new_lit_name, lit_sym, nam;
Symbol d1, d2;
char *lit_id;
Tuple new_sig, lit_map, dl1, dl2, array_info;
Declaredmap parent_dcl;
parent_type = base_type(parent_subtype);
nat1 = NATURE(parent_type);
switch (nat1 = NATURE(parent_type)) {
case na_type:
NATURE(derived_type) = na_type;
TYPE_OF(derived_type) = parent_type;
SIGNATURE(derived_type) = SIGNATURE(parent_type);
case na_array:
array_info = SIGNATURE(parent_type);
/* The following code is very similar to new_unconstrained_array but
* avoids building a tree fragment for the array and then unpacking it
comp = (Symbol) array_info[2];
NATURE(derived_type) = na_array;
TYPE_OF(derived_type) = derived_type;
SIGNATURE(derived_type) = array_info;
/* Mark the type as limited if the component type is.*/
misc_type_attributes(derived_type) = private_kind(comp);
/* For each unconstrained array type, we introduce an instance of the
* 'aggregate' pseudo-operator for that array.
/* A derived record type has the same fields and types as the parent.
* All we need to do is introduce an aggregate under the new type mark.
* The declaration may have a discriminant part, in which case they
* must conform to the discriminants of the parent type. We assume that
* the discriminant names, types, and default values must be the same.
case na_record:
if (is_record(derived_type)) {
dl1 = (Tuple) discriminant_list(derived_type);
dl2 = (Tuple) discriminant_list(parent_type);
exists = FALSE;
if (tup_size(dl1) != tup_size(dl2)) {
exists = TRUE;
if (! exists) {
for (i = 1; i <= tup_size(dl1); i++) {
d1 = (Symbol) dl1[i];
d2 = (Symbol) dl2[i];
if (TYPE_OF(d1) != TYPE_OF(d2)
|| default_expr(d1) != default_expr(d2) /*$tree equ?*/
|| strcmp(original_name(d1),original_name(d2)) != 0) {
exists = TRUE;
if (exists) {
errmsg("discriminant mismatch in derived type declaration",
"3.8", node);
NATURE(derived_type) = na_record;
TYPE_OF(derived_type) = derived_type;
#ifdef TBSL
-- is it necessary to 'copy' SIGNATURE and/or DECLARED.
-- check this. For now, do copy for DECLARED ds 6-jan-85
SIGNATURE(derived_type) = record_declarations(parent_type);
DECLARED(derived_type) = DECLARED(parent_type);
if (DECLARED(parent_type) != (Declaredmap) 0)
DECLARED(derived_type) = dcl_copy(DECLARED(parent_type));
/* A derived enumeration type has the literals of its parent, but these
* are marked as derived, to enforce the overloading rules.
case na_enum:
lit_map = (Tuple) literal_map(parent_type);
parent_scope = SCOPE_OF(parent_type);
parent_dcl = DECLARED(parent_scope);
/* Recall that literal map as tuple for now */
for (i = 1; i <= tup_size(lit_map); i+=2) {
lit_id = lit_map[i];
/* retrieve unique_name of literal */
lit_sym = dcl_get(parent_dcl, lit_id);
FORSET(nam=(Symbol), OVERLOADS(lit_sym), fs)
if (TYPE_OF(nam) == parent_type)
new_lit_name =
chain_overloads(lit_id, na_literal, derived_type,
tup_new(0), nam, OPT_NODE);
ALIAS(new_lit_name) = nam; /* unique name of parent */
new_sig = SIGNATURE(parent_type);
NATURE(derived_type) = na_enum;
TYPE_OF(derived_type) = derived_type;
SIGNATURE(derived_type) = new_sig;
OVERLOADS(derived_type) = (Set) lit_map;
case na_access:
NATURE(derived_type) = na_access;
TYPE_OF(derived_type) = derived_type;
SIGNATURE(derived_type) = SIGNATURE(parent_type);
case na_task_type:
case na_task_type_spec:
SYMBTABcopy(derived_type, parent_type);
NATURE(derived_type) = na_task_type; /*even if parent is spec*/
DECLARED(derived_type) = DECLARED(parent_type);
default: /*previous error, unsupported numeric type, etc. */
root_type(derived_type) = root_type(parent_type);
derive_subprograms(parent_subtype, derived_type);
if (nat1 != na_enum) {
l = private_kind(parent_type);
misc_type_attributes(derived_type) = l;
/* otherwise the attribute is the literal map*/
inherit_representation_info(derived_type, parent_type);
static int in_unconstrained_natures(int x) /*;in_unconstrained_natures*/
/* equiv to x in unconstrained_natures ... */
return x == na_enum || x == na_array || x == na_record || x == na_access
|| x == na_task_type || x == na_task_type_spec;
static int is_derived_type(Symbol mark) /*;is_derived_type*/
return (base_type(mark) != root_type(mark) && (! is_generic_type(mark)));
/* Incomplete for composite types.*/
static void derive_subprograms(Symbol parent_subtype, Symbol derived_type)
/* In order to derive the subprograms of the parent type, the parent type
* must be defined in the visible part of a package, and the derivation
* must take place after the end of this visible part.
* We introduce in the symbol table the new subprograms with the derived
* signature, but do not emit code for them. We produce instead a
* mapping from the inherited subprogram to its ancestor, and replace
* the name at the point of call, in macro-like fashion.
* If the parent type is a private type whose full declaration is
* a first-named subtype, then its base type is declared in the private
* part. Then if the derivation takes place in the private part itself,
* the parent type does not appear in the visible part of the package,
* but the parent subtype does. This anomaly must be checked for explicitly.
* checked for separately.
Symbol parent_scope, sym, obj;
Symbol parent_type;
int is_visible_type, nat;
char *str, *id;
Fordeclared div;
Declaredmap decmap;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : derive_subprograms");
parent_type = base_type(parent_subtype);
parent_scope = SCOPE_OF(parent_type);
nat = NATURE(parent_scope);
is_visible_type = FALSE;
decmap = (Declaredmap)(DECLARED(parent_scope));
if ((nat == na_package || nat == na_package_spec)
&& !in_open_scopes(parent_scope)) {
/* common case: derivation outside of package.*/
FORVISIBLE(str, sym, decmap, div)
if (sym == parent_type) {
is_visible_type = TRUE;
else if (nat == na_private_part
/* which is a currently open scope. */
|| (nat == na_package && in_open_scopes(parent_scope))) {
/* verify that parent SUBtype is declared in visible part. */
FORVISIBLE(str, sym, decmap, div)
if (sym == parent_subtype) {
is_visible_type = TRUE;
if (is_visible_type) { /* calculate inheritance.*/
if (parent_scope == scope_name) {
/* Derivation is in private part of package that declares the
* parent. Copy declared map to insure that domain of iteration of
* following loop is not modified by insertions of derived
* subprograms.
decmap = dcl_copy(decmap);
FORVISIBLE(id, obj, decmap, div)
nat = NATURE(obj);
if((nat == na_procedure || nat == na_procedure_spec
|| nat == na_function || nat == na_function_spec)
&& !is_derived_subprogram(obj))
derive1_subprogram(obj, parent_type, derived_type, obj);
if (is_derived_type(parent_type) && parent_scope != symbol_standard0) {
/* If the original type is a derived type, its derived subprograms
* are further derived. If such exist, they are aliased subprograms
* declared in the same scope as the parent type.
if ( !is_visible_type && parent_scope == scope_name)
decmap = dcl_copy(decmap);
FORDECLARED(id, obj, decmap, div)
nat = NATURE(obj);
if ((nat == na_procedure || nat == na_procedure_spec
|| nat == na_function || nat == na_function_spec)
&& is_derived_subprogram(obj)
&& ( ! is_visible_type || ! hidden_derived(obj, parent_scope) ))
derive1_subprogram(obj, parent_type, derived_type, ALIAS(obj));
static void derive1_subprogram(Symbol obj, Symbol parent_type,
Symbol derived_type, Symbol parent_subp) /*;derive1_subprogram*/
/* obj is a subprogram declared in the same scope as parent_type. If
* some type in its profile is compatible with parent_type, produce
* a derived subprogram by replacing the parent_type with the derived
* one, and introduce a subprogram declaration with this new profile.
* The parent subprogram is either obj itself, or ALIAS(obj) if obj is
* already a derived subprogram.
Symbol new_typ, formal, tf, dx, new_proc;
Symbol neq, new_neq;
char *id;
int is_new, nat;
Fortup ft1;
Tuple new_sig, t;
new_sig = tup_new(0);
new_typ = TYPE_OF(obj);
is_new = FALSE;
FORTUP(formal =(Symbol) , SIGNATURE(obj), ft1);
nat = NATURE(formal);
id = original_name(formal);
tf = TYPE_OF(formal);
dx = (Symbol) default_expr(formal);
if (compatible_types(tf, parent_type)) {
tf = derived_type;
is_new = TRUE;
t = tup_new(4);
t[1] = strjoin(id, "");
t[2] = (char *) nat;
t[3] = (char *) tf;
t[4] = (char *) dx;
new_sig = tup_with(new_sig, (char *) t);
if (compatible_types(new_typ, parent_type) ) {
new_typ = derived_type;
is_new = TRUE;
if (is_new) {
/* subprogram is derived. Insert it in current scope, with
* the new signature, and recall its lineage.
* Its nature is a subprogram, not a spec, because no body
* will be defined for it.
nat = NATURE(obj) == na_procedure_spec ? na_procedure : na_function;
id = original_name(obj);
/* If the subprogram is /=, it will be automatically derived when
* te corresponding equality operator is.
if (streq(id, "/=")) return;
/*new_proc = chain_overloads(id, [nat,new_typ, new_sig, parent_subp]);*/
new_proc = chain_overloads(id, nat, new_typ, new_sig, parent_subp,
if (new_proc != (Symbol)0) { /* There is no explicit sub-*/
ALIAS(new_proc) = parent_subp; /* program with that name.*/
if (streq(id, "=")) {
/* mark the parent of the corresponding inequality. */
neq = find_neq(parent_subp);
new_neq = find_neq(new_proc);
ALIAS(new_neq) = neq;
static int hidden_derived(Symbol subp, Symbol parent_scope) /*;hidden_derived */
/* Determine whether a derived subprogram is hidden by an explicit
* declaration in the visible part of a package.
* If the derivation occurs within the private part of the package, or
* within its body, the set of subprograms that may hide the derived one is
* the overloads set of the private declarations of the symbol. Otherwise
* it is the overloads set of the visible symbol.
Symbol seen, s;
Forset fs1;
Symbol obj;
seen = dcl_get_vis(DECLARED(parent_scope), ORIG_NAME(subp));
if (seen == (Symbol)0) return FALSE;
else if ( in_open_scopes(parent_scope)
&& NATURE(parent_scope) != na_package_spec
&& (s = private_decls_get((Private_declarations)
private_decls(parent_scope), seen)) != (Symbol)0 )
seen = s;
if (!can_overload(seen)) return FALSE;
FORSET(obj=(Symbol), OVERLOADS(seen), fs1)
if ( obj != subp && same_signature(obj, subp)
&& base_type(TYPE_OF(subp)) == base_type(TYPE_OF(obj)))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static Symbol find_neq(Symbol eq_name) /*;find_new*/
/* find implicitly defined inequality corresponding to an equality operator,
* either explicitly defined or derived, by iterating over definitions of /=
* in the scope, that have the same signature as the given equality.
Forset fs1;
Symbol neq;
FORSET(neq=(Symbol), OVERLOADS(dcl_get(DECLARED(SCOPE_OF(eq_name)), "/=")),
if (same_signature(neq, eq_name)) {
return neq;
chaos("can't find inequality operator in scope");
return (Symbol)0;
int is_derived_subprogram(Symbol name) /*;is_derived_subprogram*/
Symbol s;
s = ALIAS(name);
return (s != (Symbol)0 && streq(ORIG_NAME(s) , ORIG_NAME(name)) );
static void new_enum_type(Symbol type_name, Node def_node) /*;new_enum_type*/
Tuple c;
Tuple lit_map, literals_list;
int i;
Node lo, hi, tmpnode;
literals_list = N_LIST(def_node);
lit_map = tup_new(2*tup_size(literals_list));
for (i = 1; i <= tup_size(literals_list); i++) {
/* insert each literal in symbol table, as an overloadable identifier
* Each enumeration type is mapped into a sequence of integers, and
* each literal is defined as a constant with integer value.
tmpnode = (Node)(literals_list[i]);
chain_overloads(N_VAL(tmpnode), na_literal, type_name, tup_new(0),
(Symbol)0, OPT_NODE);
/* lit_map(N_VAL(literals_list(i))) := i-1;*/
/* lit_map[2*i-1] = (char *) N_VAL((Node)(literals_list[i]));*/
lit_map[2*i-1] = N_VAL(tmpnode);
lit_map[2*i] = (char *) i-1;
lo = new_ivalue_node(int_const(0), type_name);
hi = new_ivalue_node(int_const(tup_size(literals_list) - 1), type_name);
#ifdef TBSN
-- this should no longer be necessary, as they are saved in
-- collect_unit_nodes
/* Attach nodes of bounds to AST, to insure saving for separate
* compilation.
/*N_LIST(def_node) +:= [lo, hi];*/
N_LIST(def_node) = tup_with(N_LIST(def_node), (char *) lo);
N_LIST(def_node) = tup_with(N_LIST(def_node), (char *) hi);
/*SYMBTAB(type_name) := [na_enum, type_name, ['range', lo, hi], lit_map];*/
NATURE(type_name) = na_enum;
TYPE_OF(type_name) = type_name;
c = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_RANGE);
numeric_constraint_low(c) = (char *) lo;
numeric_constraint_high(c) = (char *) hi;
SIGNATURE(type_name) = (Tuple) c;
OVERLOADS(type_name) = (Set) lit_map;
initialize_representation_info(type_name, TAG_ENUM);
static void new_integer_type(Symbol type_name, Node def_node)
/* Create a new integer, and apply the constraint to obtain subtype of it.*/
Symbol newtype;
Node constraint_node, lo, hi;
Tuple c;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : new_integer_type");
constraint_node = N_AST1(def_node);
newtype = anonymous_type();
SYMBTABcopy(newtype, symbol_integer);
root_type(newtype) = symbol_integer;
inherit_representation_info(newtype, symbol_integer);
/* get bounds of range : lo, hi.*/
lo = N_AST1(constraint_node);
hi = N_AST2(constraint_node);
specialize(lo, symbol_integer);
specialize(hi, symbol_integer);
if (!(is_static_expr(lo)) || (! (is_static_expr(hi)))) {
errmsg("Bounds in an integer type definition must be static",
"3.5.4", constraint_node);
else if (root_type(N_TYPE(lo)) != symbol_integer
|| root_type(N_TYPE(hi)) != symbol_integer) {
/* these are tests on the root type of each node.*/
errmsg_l("Bounds in an integer type definition must be of some ",
"integer type", "3.5.4", constraint_node);
NATURE(type_name) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(type_name) = newtype;
c = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_RANGE);
numeric_constraint_low(c) = (char *) lo;
numeric_constraint_high(c) = (char *) hi;
SIGNATURE(type_name) = (Tuple) c;
not_chosen_put(newtype, type_name);
static void new_floating_type(Symbol type_name, Node def_node)
Node float_pt_node, precision_node, opt_range, lo, hi;
Symbol newtype, p_type;
Symbol anonymous_type();
int digits;
Tuple constraint;
Const con;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : new_floating_type");
/* Process a floating point declaration.*/
float_pt_node = N_AST1(def_node);
precision_node = N_AST1(float_pt_node);
opt_range = N_AST2(float_pt_node);
/* The range constraint is optional. If absent, the range is that of
* the parent type. If present, the bounds need not be of the same
* type, but of some real type, and static. Their resolution is done
* in procedure real-bound.
newtype = anonymous_type();
SYMBTABcopy(newtype, symbol_float);
root_type(newtype) = symbol_float;
SYMBTABcopy(type_name, newtype); /* by default.*/
p_type = N_TYPE(precision_node);
if (p_type == symbol_any) /* Type error.*/
else if (! is_static_expr(precision_node)) {
errmsg("Expect static expression for digits", "3.5.7", precision_node);
if (p_type == symbol_universal_integer)
specialize(precision_node, symbol_integer);
else if (root_type(p_type) != symbol_integer) {
errmsg("Expect integer expression for DIGITS", "3.5.7", precision_node);
con = (Const) N_VAL(precision_node);
digits = con->const_value.const_int;
if (digits < 1) {
errmsg("Invalid digits value in real type declaration", "3.5.7",
else if (digits > ADA_REAL_DIGITS) {
errmsg("Precision not supported by implementation", "none",
inherit_representation_info(newtype, symbol_float);
if (opt_range == OPT_NODE) { /* Use system FLOAT.*/
/* constraint = SIGNATURE(symbol_float);
* constraint(4) = precision_node;
Tuple sig = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(symbol_float);
constraint = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_DIGITS);
numeric_constraint_low(constraint) = numeric_constraint_low(sig);
numeric_constraint_high(constraint) = numeric_constraint_high(sig);
numeric_constraint_digits(constraint) = (char *) precision_node;
else {
lo = N_AST1(opt_range);
hi = N_AST2(opt_range);
if (real_bound(lo, symbol_float) == OPT_NODE) return;
if (real_bound(hi, symbol_float) == OPT_NODE) return;
constraint = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_DIGITS);
numeric_constraint_low(constraint) = (char *) lo;
numeric_constraint_high(constraint) = (char *) hi;
numeric_constraint_digits(constraint) = (char *) precision_node;
NATURE(type_name) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(type_name) = newtype;
SIGNATURE(type_name) = (Tuple) constraint;
not_chosen_put(newtype, type_name);
static void new_fixed_type(Symbol type_name, Node def_node) /*;new_fixed_type*/
Node lo, hi, fixed_pt_node, precision_node, opt_range, small_node;
Symbol r, p_type, anon_type;
Tuple constraint;
Rational small_val;
Rational lo_val, hi_val, anon_lo_val, anon_hi_val;
int power_conv;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : new_fixed_type");
/* Process a fixed point declaration. Similar to floating case.*/
fixed_pt_node = N_AST1(def_node);
precision_node = N_AST1(fixed_pt_node);
opt_range = N_AST2(fixed_pt_node);
anon_type = anonymous_type();
NATURE(anon_type) = na_type;
TYPE_OF(anon_type) = anon_type;
root_type(anon_type) = symbol_dfixed;
NATURE(type_name) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(type_name) = anon_type;
#ifdef TBSL
-- see if tup_copy needed for SIGNATURE assignments below
ds 6-jan-85
SIGNATURE(anon_type) = SIGNATURE(symbol_dfixed);
SIGNATURE(type_name) = SIGNATURE(symbol_dfixed);
initialize_representation_info(anon_type, TAG_FIXED);
not_chosen_put(anon_type, type_name);
p_type = N_TYPE(precision_node);
if (N_TYPE(precision_node) == symbol_any) /* Type error.*/
else if (! is_static_expr(precision_node)) {
errmsg("Expect static expression for delta", "3.5.7", precision_node);
r = root_type(p_type);
if (is_fixed_type(r) || r == symbol_universal_real);
else if (r == symbol_float)
N_VAL(precision_node) = (char *) rat_const(rat_frr
else {
errmsg("Expression for delta must be of some real type", "3.5.9",
if (opt_range == OPT_NODE) {
errmsg("Missing range in Fixed type declaration", "3.5.9",
else {
lo = N_AST1(opt_range);
hi = N_AST2(opt_range);
if (real_bound(lo, symbol_dfixed) == OPT_NODE)return;
if (real_bound(hi, symbol_dfixed) == OPT_NODE) return;
N_TYPE(lo) = N_TYPE(hi) = anon_type;
lo_val = RATV((Const)N_VAL(lo));
hi_val = RATV((Const)N_VAL(hi));
/* The constraint may eventually carry a rep.spec. for 'SMALL. Its
* absence is marked by OPT_NODE.
/*constraint := ['delta', lo, hi, precision_node, OPT_NODE];*/
constraint = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_DELTA);
numeric_constraint_low(constraint) = (char *) lo;
numeric_constraint_high(constraint) = (char *) hi;
numeric_constraint_delta(constraint) = (char *) precision_node;
numeric_constraint_small(constraint) = (char *) OPT_NODE;
power_conv = power_of_2((Const) N_VAL(precision_node));
small_val = power_of_2_small;
if (power_conv) { /* if cannot convert */
errmsg("Precision not supported by implementation.",
"Appendix F", fixed_pt_node);
else {
small_node = new_ivalue_node(rat_const(small_val),
numeric_constraint_small(constraint) = (char *) small_node;
SIGNATURE(type_name) = (Tuple) constraint;
/* compute signature for anonymous type */
constraint = tup_copy(constraint);
/* now compute proper lower and upper bounds for anonymous type */
/* N_VAL(l_node) := [(MIN_INT+1)*num(small), den(small)]; */
anon_lo_val = rat_fri(int_mul(int_add(ADA_MIN_FIXED_MP, int_fri(1)),
num(small_val)), den(small_val));
/* N_VAL(u_node) := [MAX_INT*num(small), den(small)]; */
anon_hi_val = rat_fri( int_mul(ADA_MAX_FIXED_MP,
num(small_val)), den(small_val));
numeric_constraint_low(constraint) =
(char *)new_ivalue_node(rat_const(anon_lo_val), type_name);
numeric_constraint_high(constraint) =
(char *)new_ivalue_node(rat_const(anon_hi_val), type_name);
SIGNATURE(anon_type) = (Tuple) constraint;
if (rat_geq(anon_hi_val, hi_val)); /* type is representable */
else if (rat_eql(rat_sub(hi_val, anon_hi_val), small_val))
/* given bound is 'small away from model number. Set 'last of the type
* to be largest model number.
N_VAL(hi) = (char *)rat_const(anon_hi_val);
else errmsg("fixed type definition requires more than MAX_MANTISSA bits",
"Appendix F", fixed_pt_node);
if (rat_leq(anon_lo_val, lo_val));
else if (rat_eql(rat_sub(anon_lo_val, lo_val), small_val))
/* Set 'first of the type to be smallest model number. */
N_VAL(lo) = (char *)rat_const(anon_lo_val);
else errmsg("fixed type definition requires more than MAX_MANTISSA bits",
"Appendix F", fixed_pt_node);
static Node real_bound(Node bound, Symbol kind) /*;real_bound*/
/* Verify that the bound of a range constraint in a real type definition
* is a real type, and convert it to or from universal when needed.
Symbol b_type, r_type;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : real_bound");
b_type = N_TYPE(bound);
/*// Is following return value correct? Added to get code to compile with CC*/
if (b_type == symbol_any) return OPT_NODE;
r_type = root_type(b_type);
if (! is_static_expr(bound)) {
errmsg("Bound in range constraint of type definition must be static",
"3.5.7, 3.5.9", bound);
return OPT_NODE;
else if (kind == symbol_float) /* Fixed or universal bound.*/
specialize(bound, symbol_float);
else if (is_fixed_type(kind)) {
if (r_type == symbol_float) {
N_VAL(bound) =
(char *) rat_const(rat_frr(REALV((Const)N_VAL(bound))));
N_TYPE(bound) = symbol_dfixed;
return bound;
static Symbol constrain_scalar(Symbol type_mark, Node constraint)
/* Constrain a discrete type or a real type */
int constr;
Symbol base_mark, bt, kind;
Node lo, hi, precision, range_constraint, attr_node, base_precision;
int constr_type, digits;
Tuple new_c, old_c;
Symbol typ;
Const delta;
Rational rdelta;
if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : constrain_scalar");
constr_type = N_KIND(constraint);
base_mark = (Symbol) base_type(type_mark);
old_c = SIGNATURE(type_mark);
if (constr_type == as_range) {
/* In this case, the bounds expressions have not been
* type-checked yet. Do it now that the desired base
* type is known.
bt = root_type(type_mark);
if (! is_scalar_type(bt)) {
errmsg("Invalid RANGE constraint for type", "3.3, 3.6.1",
return symbol_any;
lo = N_AST1(constraint);
hi = N_AST2(constraint);
check_type(base_mark, lo);
check_type(base_mark, hi);
constr = (int) numeric_constraint_kind(old_c);
new_c = constraint_new(constr);
numeric_constraint_low(new_c) = (char *) lo;
numeric_constraint_high(new_c) = (char *) hi;
if (bt == symbol_float) {
/* use digits specified for parent type */
numeric_constraint_digits(new_c) = numeric_constraint_digits(old_c);
else if (is_fixed_type(bt)) {
numeric_constraint_delta(new_c) = numeric_constraint_delta(old_c);
numeric_constraint_small(new_c) = numeric_constraint_small(old_c);
else if (constr_type == as_digits || constr_type== as_delta) {
kind = constr_type == as_digits ? symbol_float: symbol_dfixed;
if (root_type(type_mark) != kind ) {
errmsg("Invalid constraint for type", "3.3", constraint);
return symbol_any;
/* if (is_generic_type(base_mark)) {
* errmsg("accurracy constraint cannot depend on a generic type",
* "12.1", constraint);
* return symbol_any;
* }
precision = N_AST1(constraint);
range_constraint = N_AST2(constraint);
base_precision = (Node) (SIGNATURE(type_mark))[4];
if (is_generic_type(base_mark)) base_precision = precision;
check_type((kind == symbol_float ? symbol_integer : symbol_real_type),
if (N_KIND(precision) == as_ivalue) {
if (kind == symbol_float) {
digits = INTV((Const)N_VAL(precision));
if (digits < 1) {
errmsg("value for DIGITS must be positive", "3.5.7",
else if (digits > INTV((Const)N_VAL(base_precision))) {
"Evaluation of expression will raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR",
else {
delta = (Const) N_VAL(precision);
rdelta = RATV(delta);
/* need to declae [0, 1] as apropriate global ds 25 nov */
if (rat_lss(rdelta, rat_fri(int_fri(0), int_fri(1)))) {
errmsg("value of DELTA must be positive", "3.5.9",
/* TBSL: check translation of following ds 26-nov-84*/
else if (rat_lss(rdelta, (RATV((Const)N_VAL(base_precision))))){
"Evaluation of expression will raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR",
else {
errmsg("expect static expression for DIGITS or DELTA",
"3.5.7, 3.5.9", precision);
if (range_constraint != OPT_NODE) {
lo = N_AST1(range_constraint);
hi = N_AST2(range_constraint);
check_type(base_mark, lo);
check_type(base_mark, hi);
else {
/* Only the precision was given in the constraint. */
/* Obtain the bounds from the type itself.*/
lo = (Node) numeric_constraint_low(old_c);
hi = (Node) numeric_constraint_high(old_c);
if (constr_type == as_digits) {
new_c = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_DIGITS);
numeric_constraint_digits(new_c) = (char *) precision;
else {
int jk;
new_c = constraint_new(CONSTRAINT_DELTA);
numeric_constraint_delta(new_c) = (char *) precision;
jk = power_of_2((Const) N_VAL(precision));
numeric_constraint_small(new_c) = (char *)new_ivalue_node(
rat_const(power_of_2_small), get_type(precision));
numeric_constraint_low(new_c) = (char *) lo;
numeric_constraint_high(new_c) = (char *) hi;
else if (constr_type == as_attribute) {
/* The constraint is given by a RANGE attribute which is folded
* as_attribute in adasem routine. We get the bounds of the
* range to construct the new subtype.
attr_node = N_AST1(constraint);
if ((int)attribute_kind(constraint) != ATTR_RANGE) {
errmsg("Invalid expression for range constraint","3.3", constraint);
return symbol_any;
else {
check_type(base_mark, constraint);
new_c = apply_range(constraint);
else {
errmsg("Invalid constraint for scalar type", "3.3.2", constraint);
return symbol_any;
/* Verify that a discriminant does not appear in a scalar constraint.
* This must be special-cased because discriminants are otherwise
* allowed to appear in index and discriminant constraints, and in
* initial values, i.e. arbitrary expressions.
typ = named_type(strjoin("&", newat_str())); /* Create a name for it*/
NATURE(typ) = na_subtype;
TYPE_OF(typ) = type_mark;
SIGNATURE(typ) = (Tuple) new_c;
return typ;